We would like to provide an update to our members and the supporters of Chorley Football Club regarding our stance and decision made towards using what is commonly known as the 'Fan Ownership Fund'.
With your support we have managed to raise £34,500 since the fund was opened in 2013. This has resulted in the Trust acquiring a 9.5% share of the Club and gaining supporter representation at Board level with 2 seats at the table.
The Trust are still very much focused on a potential future of fan ownership and strong supporter influence in the running of the Club but we also feel that the recent transfer in ownership this has put a pause on the journey.
Supporter experience at Victory Park is something we as a Trust, and before then as a Supporters Club, have been trying to improve and now we have a chance to play a part in this.
With that in mind we have come to the conclusion that a portion of the funds we currently have in the FOF will be utilised to improve the toilet facilities on the ground. We can all agree that these are in much need of some care and are well below the standard which we would be satisfied with.
A total of £3,000 will be donated to the Club to assist with the improvement of the facilities.
Once the donation has been given to the Club, we are going to do the following:
- Rename the fund to remove the 'Fan Ownership' part of the title and rename it to the 'Magpies Fund'
- Make an amendment to our rules that this account can only be used with members approval to
- Acquire shares in the Club
- Donate towards a project
Now is the time to join your Trust as we continue to be active within the club and the community.
With membership continuing to grow and a record turnout at our AGM, it is clear we have an active fan base that wants its voice heard and we must work together.
Hopefully this statement provides the clarity on the Trust's future and our reasoning behind such decisions.
If you want to join the Trust or have any questions then please contact us via the online store.