STATEMENT | October Meeting Cancelled

STATEMENT | October Meeting Cancelled

As the Trust board, we have decided to cancel the monthly members' meeting which was due to be held this Thursday, 5th October, at Chorley Football Club.

We believe that our meetings should always consist of in-depth, high quality updates from the Trust and the Club so we took the decision to cancel the meeting as we felt that there are not any significant updates to provide the members from the Trust during the last month. We are looking into how the meetings are currently organised and to make sure we get the most out of the time that the volunteers, members and Club officials give for these events.

We pride ourselves on the fact that we provide our members with a means of social interaction, meeting with likeminded supporters, and having the ability to speak with senior officials at the Club through the monthly meetings. This will be the first time since our amalgamation with the Supporters Club 10 years ago that we have made this decision and we always do our best to make sure it doesn't happen again.

The Trust Board will continue working hard behind the scenes and will be able to provide a comprehensive update during the month via our newsletter, which will include details of the Fan Survey which was held during the opening stages of the season.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 2nd November at Victory Park. Should you still have an issue that you would like to bring to our attention then please email and someone will reach out to you within the next 48 hours.

Thank you for your understanding.

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